This evening the sheep...

... hung out in Victoria.

After a hard Monday in the office the sheep made the foolish mistake of trying to decompress in central London. The result? No food available in the pub after 10pm and - to add insult to injury - bar staff who wanted to reenact the noisiest scenes from Stomp while emptying the dishwasher; and all this against the cacophonic backing track of what passes for music nowadays. Shortly before completely abandoning hope the sheep chanced upon Pizza Hut on Victoria Street where the sheep was delighted to discover the best traditions of fine cuisine and service are still very much alive. Not to mention exceptional value for money! Pizza Express now has a new rival for the sheep's affections.

Today the sheep is...

... chillaxing at the piano.

Where better for the sheep to enjoy a quiet glass of champagne after a hectic week? Sophisticated music? Beautiful and talented company? Why at the Delfont Room, enjoying the spectacular cabaret performance by Clare Burt. The hairs on the sheep's fleece are still standing on end, with haunting melodies still swirling around the sheep's head the morning after. And, in the traditional fashion of a Saturday evening in London, the night culminated in a soul-destroying cab-hunting trek through the detritus of humanity which seems to perma-populate W1 these days. Never again will the sheep give the chauffeur the weekend off.

Today the sheep is...

... busy doing deals.

The sheep has always loved the internet. Currently resting between engagements, the sheep is often stuck at home during the day but loves surfing through blogs, ebay and CNN (to keep up to date on world events). However it has become painfully apparent to the sheep that a huge proportion of the content out there is driven by hidden personal agendas and shameless P.R., not to mention self-aggrandizement of the most immodest kind. Without a social networking site for animals the sheep feels, at times, very alienated from contemporary culture, sadly lacking an outlet to articulate sheepish thoughts. With that in mind, after much agonizing, the sheep resolved to make a start on Don't expect a polished blog, just the occasional prescient update from a small sheep with some big ideas, as well as a refreshing new take on social, cultural and macroeconomic issues from a uniquely ovine perspective.


Contact the sheep electronically: sheep (at); please keep messages brief and concise.